We Asked AI to Take Us On a Tour of Our Cities. It Was Chaos

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Travel News

Artificial Intelligence,Chatbots,New York City

We had a specialty chatbot to curate perfect days out in London and New York for under $100 each. We're still recovering from our journeys.

With high hopes of finding some hidden gems in our home cities and $100 each burning a hole in our pockets, we—Natasha Bernal in London and Amanda Hoover in New York—asked AI to plan out the perfect day. We decided to use Littlefoot, an AI-powered local discovery chatbot that can generate experiences in 161 cities around the world.

And that’s how we ended up lost near the Wetlands Walk close to the River Lea, cycling around on the only available rental e-bike I could find. Unfortunately it could only travel at breakneck speed, so I spent about 20 minutes screaming in genuine fear as I hurtled back and forth through the same bit of stinky swampland, with Sophie perched precariously on the fender like a human pannier.


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