How the surging demand for energy and rise of AI is straining the power grid in the U.S.

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Google News

Climate Change,Microsoft,Amazon

Experts say the increasing demand for energy in the U.S. is forecast to hit a record high this year.

The surging demand for energy in the U.S. is growing significantly for the first time in decades. Experts say it is forecast to hit record highs both this year and next year — creating more planet-warming emissions.Part of the demand is due to an increasing number of data centers across the country, along with the rise of artificial intelligence.

Peterson Corio said it will be a challenge to make that kind of electricity use sustainable.'As we look to the next decade, those demands continue to grow and the real challenge is trying to figure out how we can do this in a way that meets our climate goals,' she said.Google's planet warming emissions rose by 13% last year and have jumped nearly 50% since 2019, the company said.


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