New screening tool uses infrared light and machine learning to detect multiple health conditions

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Blood News


Using infrared light and machine learning, researchers have developed a method to effectively screen human health and its deviations at a population level.

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen Jul 19 2024

Infrared spectroscopy, a technique that employs infrared light to analyze the molecular composition of substances, has been a foundational tool in chemistry for decades. It's like giving molecules a fingerprint that can be delivered by a specialized machine called a spectrometer. When applied to complex biofluids like blood plasma, this physico-chemical technique can reveal detailed information about molecular signals, making it a promising tool for medical diagnostics.

Extensive potential applications What is the value of the current work? The existing KORA study got a new value as it got tested from a fresh perspective and served a new purpose: More than 5.000 blood plasma samples were measured using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Tarek Eissa and Cristina Leonardo of the BIRD team at LMU analyzed the blood samples from the KORA study using infrared light to obtain molecular fingerprints.


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