Leopards of Yala: Photographic pilgrimage into Sri Lanka’s wild heart

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Asia & Oceania News

Bizcations,Abbi Kanthasamy,Yala National Park

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Perched at the edge of civilisation in Sri Lanka, where the wild heart of Yala National Park kisses the rhythmic, crashing waves of the Indian Ocean, lies Uga Chena Huts. This enclave, shrouded by the mystique of untamed wilderness, served as our luxurious base, echoing the seductive call of the wild with every sunset that painted the sky with fiery hues.

Our adventure began with the promise of dawn. The horizon blushed with nascent light as Jie Ling, my wife and indefatigable photography assistant, orchestrated the array of lenses and cameras with practised ease. Her expertise ensures that no fleeting moment goes uncaptured – essential when dealing with any species of cats!Yala, a sanctuary of biodiversity and history, is where the Sri Lankan leopard reigns supreme.

Witnessing a leopard in motion is akin to watching a fluid shadow – effortless, silent, and sometimes merely a ghostly presence in the corner of your eye. The conservation efforts in Yala are palpable – each guided tour, each rule of engagement designed to respect the delicate balance of nature. Observing these majestic animals in their natural habitat, with the assurance that efforts are being made to protect them, lends a profound satisfaction to the soul of any nature lover.As we bid farewell to Yala, the sun cast its last golden light over the Indian Ocean, and we carried back more than just photographs.


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