Why data centers will be 'infrastructure of 21st century'

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Jonathan Gray News

Data Centers,Big Tech

Though many on Wall Street are rotating out of Big Tech, investors are still excited about the prospects of AI. Blackstone President & COO Jonathan Gray...

Though many on Wall Street are rotating out of Big Tech, investors are still excited about the prospects of AI.

Some of that may take a bit of time, but our focus has really been on building the the backbone the infrastructure of the 21st century, which is the data centres and the power that goes with it.And so if you look at what we're doing, we've we've acquired and invested in the fastest growing data centre company in the world.

The 'greatest bubble in human history' is close to bursting, black-swan investor Mark Spitznagel says Investors can expect a huge reveal on Nvidia's upcoming earnings call that could silence AI critics, Goldman Sachs says


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