Comelec’s Garcia ready to face possible impeachment case

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Comelec News

Commission on Elections Chairman George Erwin Garcia is ready to face possible impeachment charges that may be filed against him in line with the automation of next year’s national and local polls.

MANILA, Philippines — Commission on Elections Chairman George Erwin Garcia is ready to face possible impeachment charges that may be filed against him in line with the automation of next year’s national and local polls.

“When we accepted this position – and we have talked about this – we said we are ready to face any charges and impeachment complaints,” Garcia said in an interview.Garcia said what matters to them is that they know they acted in good faith when they awarded the automated election system contract to South Korean firm Miru Systems.

Erice last Thursday filed a petition asking the Supreme Court to declare null and void the contract between the Comelec and Miru. A woman who used to work at a photocopy center and sell siopao in school to fund her college education emerged as topnotcher...


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