Sask. urging federal government to ban AI voice cloning ahead of elections

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Bronwyn Eyre said AI is evolving rapidly and can pose serious risks if the proper restrictions are not in place to prevent its misuse.

Months before a provincial election, Saskatchewan is urging the federal government to ban the use of artificial intelligence for voice cloning. Months before a provincial election, Saskatchewan is urging the federal government to ban the use of artificial intelligence for voice cloning.

"Those would become the communications rules for robocalls and any voice-cloned AI-generated calls across the country," Eyre said in an interview. "We've seen voice cloning of other politicians around the world ... and I think the risks are obviously fakery of messaging in an election, and impersonation of a voice could lead to all sorts of risk in an election," Eyre said.

"It's something that I'm focused on significantly. We're at the very beginning of that journey," he said in an interview.


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