How to spot an AI-generated video

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Ai Ai Headlines News

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David Nield is a freelance contributor at Popular Science, producing how to guides and explainers for the DIY section on everything from improving your smartphone photos to boosting the security of your laptop. He doesn't get much spare time, but when he does he spends it watching obscure movies and taking long walks in the countryside.

ArticleBody:Generative AI is filling up the web at a rapid rate, and while we're weighing up the consequences for education, energy, and human creativity, it's making it much harder to trust anything that appears online. Is it real, or is it AI-generated? For the moment, we don't have a 100 percent reliable way of detecting AI content every single time, but there are some tell-tale signs of computer-generated text, audio, images, and videos that are worth looking out for.

com/watch?v=-Nb-M1GAOX8 Bad physics Generative AI knows how to mash together moving pixels to show something resembling a cat, or a city, or a castle—it does not, however, understand the world, 3D space, or the laws of physics. People will vanish behind buildings, or look different between scenes, buildings will be constructed in weird ways, furniture won't line up properly, and so on. Consider this drone shot created by Sora from OpenAI.


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