Video game performers to strike in dispute over artificial intelligence

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Video Game Performers,AI

I produce our daily afternoon news show, All Things Considered. I previously covered the labor movement for More Perfect Union and was a producer for the global daily news show Democracy Now!

If you're enjoying this article, you'll love our daily morning newsletter, How To LA. Every weekday, you'll get fresh, community-driven stories that catch you up with our independent local news.Performers who work for Activision, Disney, Warner Bros. and other major video game companies will walk off the job Friday after midnight.

“Our offer is directly responsive to SAG-AFTRA’s concerns and extends meaningful AI protections that include requiring consent and fair compensation to all performers working under the IMA ," she said.A new trend in travel focuses on disconnecting from modern life and reconnecting with oneself in nature. It's called a"quiet vacation.


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