Astronomers can spot fake AI photos using tools meant to measure galaxies

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Ai Ai Headlines News

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Astronomers have discovered a very cheeky way to detect fake AI images and videos using galaxy-measuring techniques.

Scientists have found a way to use proven galaxy-measuring techniques to spot fake AI images of celebrities. The technique adapts tools used by the Royal Astronomical Society and other groups to look for consistencies in the light reflections found within the eyeballs. The research was headed by Adejumoke Owolabi, an MSc student working under Dr. Kevin Pimbblet, a professor of astrophysics at MSc.

For example, in the image embedded in this article, you can see that the image on the left has light reflections that are more consistent with real-world physics. However, the image on the right has light reflections that are not consistent with the real world. Instead, the eyes on the AI image appear to be depicted as under the person’s face, whereas the eyes on the real image are where they should be physically.


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