AI: Looking Beyond The Hype

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Erik Jost News

Ai Ai Latest News,Ai Ai Headlines

Erik Jost, VP Modern Workplace, Black Box Corporation. Read Erik Jost's full executive profile here.

It's all we hear about these days. I recently attended a weeklong conference and trade show, and everything was AI. AI this, AI that. Upon closer look, however, it seemed like 80% of the solutions I saw were marketing hype, and only 20% had any real substance. It got to the point where I half-expected the giveaway pens to be touted as special AI pens that knew what I wanted to write before I put pen to paper.1 million users within the first five days of its release.

If you think AI is disruptive now, just wait. In the very near future, that disruption is going to explode.GenAI's"potential for innovation and disruption is on a scale comparable to the introduction of the internet and the smartphone." I agree. AI technology is powerful, but the technology and how we use is it not mature.

Enlist key stakeholders, and be honest and objective. You don't want gripe sessions where every department blames the other for their woes and inefficiencies.Now that you've identified what you want to accomplish, you can turn to technology to find out how to do it. McKinsey labels—takers, shapers and makers. Takers buy off-the-shelf solutions. Shapers customize off-the-shelf solutions. Makers, as the name suggests, develop their own solutions.


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