AI, drones & snipers… Fears Macron is using Paris Olympics to turn France into China-style Big Brother s...

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Ai Ai Headlines News

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How Paris is looking to use artificial intelligence to boost security ahead of the Olympics amid safety concerns in France

PARIS is vying to become a global front-runner in the world of artificial intelligence with the city set to show off the latest technology at the Olympics.

The law allows for up to eight different scenarios to be looked at from crowds, abandoned objects, weapons, fires and even traffic control. Under French law facial recognition is still banned through surveillance meaning authorities can't spot a person's identity. Achieving the status of an 'AI city' will require a delicate balance between technological advancement and safeguarding fundamental rightsParliament members have voiced concerns about how the new system's level of intrusion - with locals and tourists already making complaints.

But experts have told The Sun it may only lead to more trouble through online scammers, hackers and cyber attacks. "However, achieving the status of an 'AI city' will require a delicate balance between technological advancement and safeguarding fundamental rights." She told the BBC: "AI video monitoring is a surveillance tool which allows the state to analyse our bodies, our behaviour, and decide whether it is normal or suspicious., the right to act how we want to act in public, the right not to be watched."He also ensured the public that they won't use the tech for facial recognition due to French laws prohibiting it.

"This comparison drives the opposition to AI surveillance in Europe and Paris, where citizens are keen to protect their freedoms."AI is just one of several security measures being used at the Olympics to ensure the safety of athletes, international diplomats and the public.Rafale fighter jets, AWACS surveillance flights, Reaper surveillance drones and helicopters with high-level snipers on board will patrol the Paris skies throughout the event.

Despite the concerns, security whizz Will Geddes is hopeful that the increased use of the automated systems will be a huge positive at the Olympics. She has strong concerns over how these perceived inequalities may become magnified through the technology and erode trust in the public.


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