Evil‘s Andrea Martin on Acting With Demons and the Terror of AI

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The veteran actor plays a straight-shooting nun on Paramount+'s hit horror series, now in its fourth season.

—but over the years she’s excelled in nearly every genre, with two current projects earning her even more new fans: Hulu’sheading toward its series finale, io9 jumped at the chance to talk to Martin about what it’s like starring onEvil

uses to both comedic and terrifying effect. What’s it like for you filming those scenes, when you’re interacting with these creatures?I can’t get past my concern for them because, really, I’m just thinking all day when I’m with them, “How are they in these full-body prosthetics?” They can’t go to the bathroom. They can’t eat. It takes such a unique individual. Not everybody can do that kind of work. And then to have to act! I mean, honestly, I couldn’t do it.

io9: Sister Andrea has a very deep faith, even if the Catholic Church itself isn’t always the most supportive institution. How do you think she approaches finding a balance there?She speaks her mind. She’s driven by faith. That’s what’s going to guide her more than the Catholic Church—more than anything, really. I think she knows her place. She’s fighting to change how women and nuns are looked at in the Catholic Church.

, which you probably don’t know about, but Eugene Levy and I improvised the entire movie. It was directed by Ivan Reitman. It was a comedy horror film. But it’s terrifying! It was shown in drive-ins—drive-ins don’t really exist so much anymore— look it up, I’m sure you’ll find it interesting. You can see it. I don’t know if Netflix has it. Somebody has it. So that was my first movie.remake].

And now with AI, I mean I think AI can work wonders with medicine and science. But when it comes to art, it’s so frightening. I think people will go to the theater more. I think they’ll go to the ballet more. I think they’ll go to operas more. I think they’ll go to symphonies more, where there are real people. I think people will crave it. You know, I want to do as much there as possible, and nobody can change what I’m doing on stage. So I don’t know.


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