San Antonio man creates app that utilizes AI to help make pregnancy safer

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Tech News

Health,Women's Health,Pregnancy

A new app aims to make pregnancy safer by using artificial intelligence to identify potential risks, through the use of machine learning techniques.

– “The idea is to improve maternal health outcomes, with predictive analytics,” Dave Esra, the founder and CEO of Bobihealth said. “We are collecting temperature, blood pressure, oxygen, and pulse.”“My wife also had a complicated pregnancy, so I had a personal, passion behind it,” Esra said.

Esra pursued AI studies at MIT and continued his postgraduate education at the University of Texas in Austin.I did a postgrad course at UT Austin, and it was there that I was challenged with solve a problem with artificial intelligence. To me, it was obvious,” Esra said.from preventable causes related to pregnancy and children.

“Ultimately, they have a wearable of some kind where we’re able to take biometrics throughout the day. And, we can collect those biometrics and identify as symptoms or self-identified symptoms and predict, like, okay, well, maybe this condition exists and give them information,” Esra said.“Users will benefit from their own data.


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