National Ice Cream Day: Signature NYC borough flavors

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National Ice Cream Day News

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For National Ice Cream Day, amNY paired up “Mikey” Cole from Mikey Likes It Ice Cream, and GenArt A.I. image generator to invent borough-specific ice cream flavors.

What do you think Brooklyn tastes like? What would it be like to lick Queens? Would you take two scoops of Staten Island?For National Ice Cream Day, we paired up beloved local ice cream icon Mike “Mikey” Cole, founder of Mikey Likes It Ice Cream, and GenArt A.I. image generator to invent new, custom ice cream flavors representing each borough and bring them to life.

Check out the five flavors below and let us know what you would include in your borough’s signature ice cream flavor.Mikey says: Butter popcorn ice cream with a sea salt caramel swirl and honey roasted peanuts


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