Snipers, divers and AI: securing the Paris Olympics opening ceremony

  • 📰 TheManilaTimes
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Snipers News


Paris — On the water, perched on rooftops and operating AI-augmented cameras, French security forces have mounted a colossal operation to prevent an incident ruining the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on the river Seine on Friday evening.

The figures tell only part of the story of the efforts made to protect the river parade, the first time a Summer Olympics has started outside a stadium.About 45,000 police and paramilitary officers will be on duty, along with 10,000 soldiers and 20,000 private security guards.

'The Seine concept for the opening ceremony was at first resisted by some senior security officials and described by renowned French criminologist Alain Bauer as 'criminal madness' in 2022.The initial plans -- of having up to a million spectators by the river -- have been scaled back.


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