Video game performers go on strike over artificial intelligence

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Ai Ai Headlines News

The union has been in talks with big games studios, like Activision and Walt Disney, for 18 months.

Performers are concerned that generative AI could be used by game studios to reproduce their voices and physical appearance

The two sides say they have agreed on several key issues, such as wages and job safety, but protections related to the use of AI technology remain a major hurdle. "Although agreements have been reached on many issues... the employers refuse to plainly affirm, in clear and enforceable language, that they will protect all performers covered by this contract in their AI language," Sag-Aftra said in a statement.

“We are disappointed the union has chosen to walk away when we are so close to a deal," said Audrey Cooling, a spokesperson for the 10 video game producers negotiating with Sag-Aftra.


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