Huawei’s Xinghe Intelligent Network bridges transition from digital era to intelligent era

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Ai Ai Headlines News

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Strategic AI adoption and digital-intelligent transformation in Sub-Saharan African Countries

Huawei's Xinghe Intelligent Network provides comprehensive solutions for campus networks, data centres, and wide area networks.

The world is on the cusp of a transformative shift from the digital age to an intelligence-driven era.Fuelled by rapid advancements in artificial intelligence , this evolution promises to reshape industries and economies globally. AI’s potential is immense, with projections indicating trillions of dollars in added global GDP by 2030. Nations worldwide, including those in sub-Saharan Africa, are actively formulating AI strategies to capitalise on this opportunity.

The journey from digital to intelligent is complex, but with solutions like Xinghe, organisations can confidently step into the future.Download our app and read this and other great stories on the move. Available for Android and iOS.


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